The VP came in this morning to honor Howard Baker and his new center to be built at the University of Tennessee. 4 really sad protesters started yelling as he was speaking, but he never wavered. Soon they were told to run along and they did. Later they were given a street corner to do whatever it is these people do and it was just mess. Even the new Pres. of UT said they were just not up to the level we remember back in the 60s and I have to agree. Bless their hearts, they didn't have very many in their pack, their signs were not spelled correctly and they forgot to have a runner tell the TV dorks where they were set up! Only one station (locally) gave them coverage and naturally they picked the kid who couldn't cobble two sentences together without the obligatory "YOU KNOW" tossed in. NEXT time you want to protest take a page or two out of the past and get organized OK? Heck this is college and there are certain standards for protesting created over decades of yelling, chanting and sign waving, today's sad attempt just didn't get the job done!
Great presentation by the Gov. Lamar Alexander, Duncan, Howard Baker and the VP and well worth the effort to get up that early and get the wand when my watch set off the detector!