OK, if you want to do some scary on line stuff then below the babble are just a few places to FLOAT into!
If you are going to get out, beat on the door and shove the old potato sack in my face then we are ready! All of the crap is wrapped. When I was a kid, (just after Lee surrendered to Grant) I remember going around in Sunset View (my neighborhood) and Mrs. Cruse would ALWAYS have these home dang made POP corn BALLS! Naturally today if a child brings home something like that first Mom tosses it into the radiation detector, then Pop runs in through the X ray unit and THEN the drug/chemical sniffing dawg has a go round. IF it checks out, it is then given to Granddaddy who is watching Everyone Loves Raymond and will eat anything placed in his knobby fingers!
At the bunker we are featuring a mixed bag of name brand candy. All guaranteed to pull a crown off on the second bite, so make sure they all go to the children!
Have a great DAY and if your office encourages everyone to come in costume, I suggest a pint of 101 rum in the parking lot to REALLY get you into the spirit!
Check out the links below, have a wonderful day and remember with all the new advances in shaving it is near impossible to get a blade in an apple anymore.
Join the great Irish ghost watch – look out for the ethereal apparition of a young lady whose spirit, many believe, haunts this former Irish linen mill. Elsewhere on this site you can read viewers' accounts of the appearance of the phantom, and the tragic story of Helena Blunden whose spooky phantasm reveals itself at the witching hour.In order to participate in the ghost watch on this page it is necessary for your computer to be java enabled. If you can't see anything or if you want to save a sighting of any apparition or just copy the picture
What Is this Site About?
The Willard Library Ghost Cams were inspired by the question "Is Willard Library Haunted?" It has become a fascinating, and somewhat credible, legend that drives thousands of people to search the library for remnants of lost spirits. The site is a virtual ghost hunting mecca. Take a virtual tour of the library with Greg Hager, Willard Library Director, and see if you can locate the cams hidden in the building. Libraryghost.com offers three cams for your ghost hunting pleasure. The Children's Room cam and the Research Room cam are both refreshed every thirty seconds. The newest cam, which is located in the basement, is virtually live - it refreshes every second!
is a collection of popular sites featuring ghost cams. If you are an armchair ghost hunter or you don't have the equipment necessary to capture ghostly phenomena out in the field then here is the
chance to do it from you home!
Ghost web cams
The Lexington
Willard Library
Willard kids room
Willard Basement
Deserted Hospital
So weird G-watch
GhostWatch<b>r>Queen Mary Ship
Ghostwatchers<b>r>Boudon Street
Haunted Diary
Theater cams
Lincoln ghost cam
Night star cam
Nottinghamshire<b>r>Paris catacombs
Haunted studio
Asylum (NEW)
Even more cams
Just for fun
Loch Ness 1
Loch Ness 2
Wailing wall
Ton of cams!
Hello and welcome to the Asylum! The Internets most popular Paranormal Community.
We have 10 cams live 24/7 including one with Night Vision capability.
Forums with almost half a million posts.
15,000+ members.
Thousands of images taken by members.
Live chat for the higher membership levels.
Welcome to your new addiction. Feel free to click the 'Staff' link if you have any questions
and PM any of the Staff members. We will all be happy to assist you!
The Asylum