Ok this was that odd night when it was warm, then the fog off the river came in, it got COLD and then the wild rain and wind bounced all over the bunker.
Just used the picture to get you to look
Deal is, I just watched the two hour NBC thing about Daniel and man oh man!
If you are a born again please do NOT light your pine knots and charge WBIR (our local NBC affiliate) OK? This thing was a giant attempt to out do HBO by the over the air networks. No joke, two hours of a cross between SIX FEET UNDER and at the very end the SOPRANOS!
Did you notice the vast amount of PSAs running inside the show? (public service announcements) tell you clients are hiding in the woods until the jury comes in!
Also did you notice the over-board family of drug/alcohol abusers, sexual preference line graying, and just a bit of alzhimers cheating to make it all fit together? Yep, this one is the FIRST move by the networks to challenge HBO and it is also a slick try at being creative and playing out of the box!
Was it any good? What do you think? No really there is a box on this blog around the pictures that lets you respond, PLEASE DO! I write a media column that you can read at hallsnews.com and brother any and all of your thoughts will be included.
Locally (Knoxville, Tennessee) we had a ton of people ready to fire bomb the local NBC affiliate over the show. They were saying it portrayed their Jesus in a dark fashion and all sponsors should be boycotted to the point where they are forsed to move into major appliance boxes near the river! What do you think?? ME? Heck, I think the Jesus they had was kind of a laid back old hip who never took a stand on much of anything. They had him as an observer wandering around behind the scenes and kind of dropping a few Dylan lines in now and then. Bless their hearts their Lord was nothing like the real deal, but their aim was more to make a show/ratings hit than a statement! Again, WHAT do you think? Send me your thoughts and I will use them when I half way review this thing next week at hallsnews.com Oh and if you have never checked out my column then dash over and take a peer. It is kind of a bore but it does keep a few dollars headed my way every week.
Sorry for the long post!
I chose not to watch Daniel because I knew that as a person of faith, it would likely offend me. From what i've read about the show, it's not much different from what most of us can already see on cable TV and even some current big 3 network shows. I don't watch those shows, either. As the leaders of our household, it is my wife and my responsibility to decide and guide what our family watches on TV. Our TV has a channel changer and an on/off switch. We use them often.
ok so as a person of faith ... I can see were some of it was offensive but .. I thought parts of it were funny and ironic... will I watch it again? Yes! Folks ..lighten up! it was tv not life or death..... IF you let this show shape your ideas of JEsus Christ and Christianity ... you should let Howard Stern tell you how to treat women and oprah tell you how to live the rest of your life! I wish the Baptist would back up and relax!
Forget the controversy, it's just poor, copycat entertainment. It reminds me of the Passion of the Christ. The movie would have been a total flop if it hadn't gotten so much attention from the people who are against it. What a fine line. It's right and good to speak out about things you think are wrong. But when you do, you draw attention to them. Sometimes, you just can't win. But kudos to the right for trying!
I don't think we'll have to worry about this show too much. I think it will be gone by the end of summer. Lack of support and lack of enterainment will kill it.
Jake here,
Didn't watch it. From what I saw of the news coverage, I didn't care to. Then again, why was I watching the news, if you catch my drift! The republican controlled media sucks. But back to Daniel, just another attempt to grab ratings for a dying network. CBS is kickin' butt & channel 10 is a boat w/o water or a pedal, or lifejacket, or an island in a stream.
I, for one, applaud BIR for choosing to run the program. I totally resent a group of narrow minded people trying to decide for everyone else what is suitable to view, read, eat, drink, etc. If you don't want to watch the show, there are probably 50-60 other channels on your cable system...pick one and shut up.
Did I watch it? Yes. Did I like it? Yes. I am a Christian, and what I saw was a portrayal of a family that is beset with, admittedly, a sampling of just about every problem society can dish up. And we saw clergy people being hit by the same temptations as everyone else. But I saw nothing (except for one instance of using God's name in a curse) that offended me or my faith.
Thanks for listening,
Hey Walker,
I felt like I had to watch the program so that I could give my opinion. It was the biggest waste of two hours I have spent in a long time. Irreverant, Immoral, No substance, No entertainment, and an insult to Christian leaders and of course to Jesus Himself. Why would anyone waste their precious time by watching episodes of a program like this??? And you are right, when the advertisers back out so will the program! WBIR may be attempting to grab ratings but I think it will backfire on them in a big way both in numbers and dollars.
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