Stashed deep in the root cellar of the old plantation were these black and white pictures of Denver and Molly's GREAT GRANDDAWG PARENTS! I cleaned them up and managed to get them into the blog. Now my expansive technology showed me the ancestors were on point, watching a band of Native American Savages as they came screaming into the fort. Sorry, couldn't get all of that into the frame so just take my word for it. Still, what a HISTORIC picture this is!
This morning I was the invited guest of Southern Roots Radio, 1180 and 1120. Kids they played THREE different renditions of DIXIE and lord help did it do me proud to be there as it belched into the vast morning air!
We talked bout all things conservative and I even got to crack on the local TV stations news
kids. My big female dawg (that's bitch for you southern Baptists) was that all three of our stations are much better than most we watch when we are sequestered in a Motel 4 the night of the Daytona 500. The key is overall leadership and right now locally only WBIR has the foundation that is needed to kick major donkey in the over nights. Sorry, 6 is working on it but not getting there and 8 has one hell of a team of talent but their News Director is just a lost damn lamb!
That said, let me ask you this..and yes you can respond by clicking the comment doober at the end of this thing...DON'T you thing for an UGLY OLD MAN, I have some dang beautiful dawgs?
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