Friends it is so HOT...(please go to ask.com and type in how hot is it) that the dogs have cut their "Lilly watering time" in half!
Now, where were we. This week has been so dang southern, great blistering weather, bumping into old acquaintances, crackling brown grass and a real feeling that the national republican party will really do well not only in local elections but in all of the states that vote for the good of the country. Lord help that is so profound! No really here is the deal, with the major dust up between the Jews and the thugs, the left wing kids have lost all ground in slicing and dicing GW! They wanta find something WRONG but so far only CNN (Clinton News Network) has been able to ratchet up a complaint from an American escaping the fighting on a cruise ship! Yep, that's it, even AIR AMERICA is sucking wind.
Locally (here in the Tennessee Valley) the stumbling blog of WATE continues to amuse the unwashed. After they were exposed on their nothing story about the high sheriff they had to resort to a post a story about a package seen on their former rival WBIR! I kid you not, their anchor was watching Channel 10s remembrances of a weather icon and felt the need to POST about it! Lord help, in olden times when I worked rock and roll radio if we even mentioned a cross town rival our thin be hinds were tossed! Anyway, the key is after posting "nothing" shots at the sheriff and such, they (WATE) felt it would be better to "relax" the rhetoric by talking about their former (the race now is between WVLT and BIR, look at the over-nights)rival by going fluff on their blog. Such a disipoinintment!
Also this great southern week contained a return to an old station (WIVK) to cut a spot and not only did I get to work in the semi-airconditioned comfort of their high tech production room (the kids did have an old R2R on the desk) I ran into Edd and Mike. Both were nice, Mike looked a bit TOOO TAN to be in management and Edd (not sure about the two d's) relaxed a few minutes to remember the olden times.
Friends WIVK is a hell of a place, say what you will, it has just kicked more ass than Hulk Hogan and is still kicking! Got a press release from them the other day about a stack of awards they are going for and knowing the Frog they will get them.
Hey, come here. Think that is enough sucking up??? Ok, cool.
As for the column this week (posted this coming Sunday evening), hallsnews.com, there is a fun story about the local TV debates and an even "funnier" story about a fill-in weather dude at WBIR. The new gate time is Sunday evening on hallsnews.com. I don't have a clue when the hard
copy comes out.
Been re-reading the book Cumberland Ave. Revisited and would suggest anyone who hung around the University of Tennessee from 1966 to whenever go buy a copy. Go to Metro
Pulse (yep they got a web site and no I don't have a clue what it is) and they will tell you how to get a copy. For those of you who ran the strip back them just think YARDARM, The Place, Twin Light, Cats Meow, and naturally the LONGBRANCH! Great summer reading.
Stay cool!
I haven't been there in years but back in 98 when I worked there, WIVK was light years ahead of any other station I had worked at.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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