As the late Saturday evening fog crawls out of Little River (hell yes I am writing a book, can YA TELL?) it reminds me of the national and now L O C A L news we are being shown here in the TN valley.
Nationally the left wing odd ball networks are all in a giant rush to try and out "hate" GW. His immigration speech the other night was not half bad at all, he had a clear plan and it involved LAW BREAKERS making restitution and STILL being able to work in OUR country.
Course that Dobbs fool on CNN hated it, NBC sent the young drunk (Gregory) to try and embarrass the man at the boarder and ABC and CBS just slithered along in the same WE HATE YOU rut as always!
Locally our INVESTIGATIVE station is just getting to be a bore. These children are so hard pressed to CREATE and FABRICATE both facts and news they are walking into walls. Sure we all know they hate certain folks and agencies and sure we know they live for having their reporters standing on the side of the road waving a CONAIR hair dryer to see if speeders will slow down thinking they are cops. We can laugh at that, but when they join the ranks of the sliding NETWORKS in their open manipulation of facts and stories to further their agendas it just drives one more nail into the TV news coffin.
Damn do I feel better!
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