I am an OPEN hater of the drive by media and the cable fools who call themselves reporters. The giant problem is their style of NON news and LEFT WING attitudes is swinging into our local TV news.
WATE.COM is a place where the blog I responded 2 is located. Friends and family it is a blog so hidden you need a GPS and a sniffer dawg to find it. If you do make the trip to their site, click on SOUND OFF and give it your best shot.
In the shell of a nut, they tried to fabricate a story about the high sheriff of Knox County Tennessee. I have no puppy in the fight cause I live in a neighboring county but I flat HATE to see these southern TV news kids turn into the sad fools we catch twenty four seven when we click over to either the nets or the cable kids.
Here is my post, if you want more go to WATE.com
As for the picture, it is me and some kid I can't remember in the late 50s. Sorry, if you are a left coast liberal, but neither of us went the BROKE BUTT MOUNTAIN route, all though the picture is incriminating!
Responses are always welcome.
walker johnson said,
on May 24th, 2006 at 2:33 pm
Have they lost the skill at hiding bias like NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, et al. did during the last Presidential election?”
KRUPTO, I like the way you think (Back to School, Sam talking to Rodney in history class)!
The big kids (nets and cable) are all news fabricators and agenda pounders. Tonight turn on NBC at 6 30 and count the number of stories that either openly bash GW or come at him with the left hand. Most nights there are 3 before the first break.
Did you notice the lack of coverage of the DEM. crook caught with the 90K in the freezer?
Locally we have a former office holder and a lawyer who live to file on TH, just what they do. A fun story would be to look into their win loss record it court!
I live across the river, have a great sherifff and am on no bandwagon in Kvle. I do join you in feeling both sad and a little scared at how the TV kids in Kvle are picking up just a tad of the national attitude. Lets hope they get back to real news.
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