How hot is this summer? SO HOT that my "special" tomato bush got too hot, rambled under the tall grilling table and started growing in the S H A D E! I kid you not, this thing left the patch, dashed over to the lower deck, found the shade and after getting a nice hold to the center of the table went skyward! I bought this plant a few months back at the Maryville Farmer's Market on a cold Saturday morning, after being told by a hippie that it was organically created. Fine, but she forgot to
tell me the sucker was HAUNTED! I have a great story about a neighbor whose dawg chewed up his watermelon vine to the point where his daughter had to toss it on the burn pile (southern term for a place to fire up crap the county won't haul off) and now it is hundreds of feet long and full of melons! I shall get pictures as soon has he and his wife go to work tomorrow.
NOW for the fun part!
hallsnews.com is again a MUST read this week! It has the never ending story of Tyler and his adventures as a political flack for the mayor across the river. I won't give away the ending, go read it and enjoy. I will tell you good old WATE finally bent over and talked about the series of articles in a very left handed way this morning. They have a Sunday show that isn't half what MULLS SINGING CONVENTION is but because they promoed they would talk of the Tyler saga I flat tuned in!
On their behalf they tried to have a good group in their discussion circle but kinda came up short. Some conservative woman who has a blog sat on the far left, a very fat guy who has been a spokesman for EVERYONE in the last few years in the middle and good ol Frank rounded out the tribe.
Gene did get them all to agree if TYLER is such a bad boy W H Y did the Rags hire him and WHY did he keep him? Brothers and sisters this thing is more fun that the petting zoo at the TVA@I Fair! A big old attaboy for Gene, at least he cracked the TV ego ceiling and talked about the story that has ALL of Knoxville (OK, all of the city county building) talking. I kid you not, the powers of the Gods are quaking in their shoes in anticipation of the next installment and I flat love being a bleacher rat!
Check it out at hallsnews.com