My idea of cooking dinner involves car keys and a place where the line is very short! Tonight I did a frozen thing that faked its way into being a meal and that Denver begged for it like a raggedly man on Cumberland headed to Alabama for a job!
Naturally when he was finished he gave me that famous, WHATS YOUR POINT LOOK.
Lots going on in the media/political underworld here in Knoxville, Tennessee. Thought I would give both the town's name AND the state encase that mummified old Mike Wallace might wanta come down and get in on the investigation.
The paper I am privilege to write for (hallsnews.com) is doing a three part story concerning an insider in the county mayor's administration. Up frontI will be the first to say the "insider" has baggage and as a very young republican, privileged to shoulder running with the alledged movers and shakers of said county, reportedly took liberties with his status and reportedly made a horses behind out of himself on several occasions.
That said, this young man is now spilling the beans (as he understands said beans) to the above linked paper. IF a third of what he is saying turns out to be fact, half fact, kinda true, or a dang good rumor the foundations of the county mayor's office might need more than B-DRY to keep from cracking!
From a personal standpoint I really don't care, heck I am blessed to live across the river from the former home of the 1982 World's Fair and although I dig for spending money inside its boundaries my tired old heart is still in Maryville. Still, the expose of a politician is just great fun participate in, even from the bleachers.
Walk with me for a minute...OK, name O N E politician you would want to be seen in public with? How about one you would invite over for a burger and diet coke? SEE!! Bless their hearts most if not all are just strange fellows and ladies who if younger your mother would NEVER let you play with!
If you wanta follow this path (the Tyler story on hallsnews.com) then jump in, it is slated to be a three part series and those in the know say part two is going to be a real barn burner of a story!
If you do know Mike Wallace forward this thing over to him. The local TV stations are all taking a pass cause they both got scooped and some say (not me) they are scared of the consequences! OK, so you don't know Mike, keep e mailing it and eventually someone like MSNBC or CNBC or BRAVO or Shopping With The Stars might get involved, as Andy's deputy used to say..THIS COULD BE BIG!
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