After finding two ticks on Denver (first ever) the committee decided a trip to the dog spa for both of the kids was needed. Up this AM before 7, running dawgs outside (they never get up before 9) and then loading them into the old Buick for their appointments.
When I picked them up I mentioned I had pulled one TICK off Denver (the Golden) and there was still one very close to his eye that I couldn't get. I held, the guy went to work and after a couple of yanks he determined it was a small growth! Nothing serious but SURE nothing for a half blind old man and a strong young kid to be pulling on! I apologized to Denver and even though I made him and his bud wear the dork handkerchief home, I fixed him up with all sorts of smoked turkey and peanut butter to make up for my miss-diagnosis!
Naturally when you spend more than you would at a human spa to have the Dawgs trimmed, dipped, bathed and festooned with Yuppie rags you have to take their pictures for the blog. Right now they both just want that junk off their necks but their Grandmother loves it so they are stuck until after she goes to bed.
Early this morning while hanging for the dawgs to do their thing I had the TODAY SHOW on. I hate the TODAY SHOW but someone had fired it up and I was kinda watching the door more than the TV.
Anyway they had a group of experts telling us why HILLA would be the Dem candidate for President and also why she would WIN! After I heard (from my vantage point at the door I couldn't see the TV) one "expert" quote a poll that said she was a polarizing candidate but not near as bad as GW, I had to move closer for a look. Brothers and sisters, the EXPERTS the network were using were all members of the Hillary For President Campaign! I kid you N O T!
Now mark your calendar 8 21 06 as THE DAY NBC launched their candidate for the leader of the Free World! Only thing that would have made it worse would have been if Katie had still been working for this tribe.
Want real news? SO DO I!
Know where to get it?
Please tell me cause you can't get it from the alphabet networks
November should be a wild ride!
WJ...take care of those pets!! They'll need their strength to chew up Hillary, the old bat. PS- News on TV is dead, bring back Margie and Sam Brown.
PS- News on TV is dead, bring back Margie and Sam Brown.
PS- News on TV is dead, bring back Margie and Sam Brown. "
Not sure about old SAM he is now teaching children around the world how to speak english and I am sure could NOT afford the pay cut.
A Men to your other thoughts about local TV news, bless their hearts they try but they just glance off the target and often shoot themselves in their OWN feet!
Thank you for reading the blog, I try to get something up here once or twice a week.
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