The "other" blog (http://maryvilleclassof66.blogspot.com) is devoted to my Maryville High class of 1966 and features tons of pictures from our 40th reunion. This morning one of my classmates and long time friend sent out a mass letter on the use of our flag in the reunion pictures. Anyway if you are a pro flag or anti flag or a neutral flag or a non flag thinker, dash over and read it. As always your thoughts are welcome!
Locally I was two for three in the column on hallsnews.com
Seth (the new part time anchor and former Style host) is leaving along with the News Director down the street at WATE.
As for the arbitron, well sometimes you win and sometimes you don't even get to bat. I said B 97 was falling out of the number two slot and STAR was moving up, well they WERE until the last trend and now B is still number 2 and STAR is still number three. I know who gives the south bound brown eye of a rat.
Lots of election fall out which is just about as boring as the Arbitron, talk among yourselves and send me a note on the comment doober. Oh and if you have any flag thoughts I would flat love to read them also!
Love it when you write about broadcasting stuff...you are a guru!
That is the info I got.
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » » »
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