Tuesday, January 30, 2007



The left wing radio voice got a small shot of adrenalin yesterday when a couple of brothers picked up the long over due tab on the networks debts.

Stephen Green and brother Mark, described as real estate investment moguls called the move a personal investment adding that the sale should be done in mid-February. Both guys are said to be joined at the hip to the democrat party. Brother Mark was beaten in 2001 when he ran against New York mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. Stephen says he is going to fix the horrid ratings, management mess and general lack of cash. He also has plans to think “out of the box” find some talent for the network and figure out a way to lure more listeners.

Here is the upside for the joint; word is Al Franken will not be around to see the new attempt at finding an audience. This time out the liberal agenda will be spread by new talent as they try to expand the Air America “brand” into other marketing and broadcast areas.

Good luck!

The wake behind the first run with the network is still filled with the dead. Advertisers and today even democrats have found associations with Air America can be about as beneficial as a malignant melanoma. The hate speech driven agenda is the brand and the fact that the format only generated two million listeners nation wide is a great incentive to both fire the staff and burn the brand simultaneously. Air America was a plan that never worked. Couple that with failure on the level of a Kerry or Gore and you can see why any linkage to the old brand would be a disaster.

Can the new Air America work? Sure, start by having closed door meetings with those who are successful in the world of talk radio. Take some of the “investment” money and structure a new talk radio model around their style, then hire unknowns to bring a fresh approach to an aging product. Air America was selling a product that had no customer base. If the Greens want to make their adventure fly look at who is listening to talk radio and mold your network into something they want to hear. Sure the hate speech and the left agenda will have to be tossed but if you are looking for success you have no other choice.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


It is great fun to see posts from the left coast pop up on the blog. Unlike knoxviews.com they are welcome and never edited.

Question, what causes the RAGE in the party of Jessie Jackson and Teddy Kennedy? Is it just me or do these people seem mad at the world? If any of them can explain it man share it with us OK?

On this side of the river we are growing faster than you can say, LETS MOVE OUT OF KNOX COUNTY! The Daily times had a nice overview of our newest area of expansion, dash over and check it out! http://www.thedailytimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070123/NEWS/701230305

Also downtown is coming back beautifully. Unlike the OLD CITY we don't have the crime or the tax problems and as far as I can tell we have yet to have a dope dealer buy up very many buildings?

Come visit and spend money!

Now here is something to ponder and if you are a member of the above mentioned demoRAT party feel free to post your thoughts! Bless your heart.

>> The Democrats new promise "A New Direction For America"
>> The stock market is at a new all-time high and America's 401K's are
>> back.
>> A new direction from there means, what?
>> Unemployment is at 25 year lows.
>> A new direction from there means, what?
>> Oil prices are plummeting.
>> A new direction from there means, what?
>> Taxes are at 20 year lows.
>> A new direction from there means, what?
>> Federal tax revenues are at all-time highs.
>> A new direction from there means, what?
>> The Federal deficit is down almost 50%, just as predicted over last
>> year.
>> A new direction from there means. what?
>> Home valuations are up 200% over the past 3.5 years.
>> A new direction from there means, what?
>> Inflation is in check, hovering at 20 year lows.
>> A new direction from there means, what?
>> Not a single terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11/01.
>> A new direction from there means, what?
>> Osama bin Laden is living under a rock in a dark cave, having not
>> surfaced
>> in years, if he's alive at all, while 95% of Al Queda's top dogs are
>> either
>> dead or in custody, cooperating with US Intel.
>> A new direction from there means, what?
>> Several major terrorist attacks already thwarted by US and British
>> Intel,
>> including the recent planned attack involving 10 Jumbo Jets being
>> exploded
>> in mid-air over major US cities in order to celebrate the anniversary
>> of the
>> 9/11/01 attacks.
>> A new direction from there means, what?
>> Now let me see, do I have this right? I can expect:
>> The economy to go South
>> Illegals to go North
>> Taxes to go Up
>> Employment to go Down
>> Terrorism to come In
>> Tax breaks to go Out
>> Social Security to go Away
>> Health Care to go the same way gas prices have gone

>> I can gain comfort by knowing that Nancy P, Hillary C, John K, Edward
>> K,
>> Howard D, Harry R, and Obama have worked hard to create a comprehensive
>> National Security Plan, Health Care Plan, Immigration Reform Plan, Gay
>> Rights Plan, Same Sex Marriage Plan, Abortion On Demand Plan, Tolerance
>> of Everyone and
>> Everything Plan, How to Return all Troops to the U.S. in The Next Six
>> Months
>> Plan, A Get Tough Plan, adapted from the French Plan by the same name,
>> and a How
>> Everyone Can Become as Wealthy as We Are Plan. I forgot the No More
>> Katrina Storm Plan.
>> Now I know why I feel so good after the elections. I am going to be
>> able to
>> sleep so much better at nights knowing these dedicated politicians are
>> thinking of
>> me, my life's savings and my welfare.


Sunday, January 21, 2007


These have been around the block a few times but they are still both funny and TRUE!

Mattel recently announced the release of the improved limited-edition Barbie Dolls for the Knoxville market:

"Farragut Barbie"
This princess Barbie is sold only at Turkey Creek. She comes with an assortment of Kate Spade Handbags, a Lexus SUV, a long-haired foreign dog named Honey and a cookie-cutter house. Available with or without tummy tuck and face lift. Workaholic Ken sold only in conjunction with the augmented version.

"Cedar Bluff Barbie"
The modern day homemaker Barbie is available with Ford Wind star Minivan and matching gym outfit. She gets lost easily and has no full-time occupation. Traffic jamming cell phone sold separately.

"Magnolia Barbie"
This recently paroled Barbie comes with a 9mm handgun, a Ray Lewis knife,a Chevy with dark tinted windows, and a Meth Lab Kit. This model is only available after dark and must be paid for in cash (preferably small, untraceable bills) ..unless you are a cop, then we don't know what you are talking about.

"Sequoya Hills Barbie"
This yuppie Barbie comes with your choice of BMW convertible or Hummer H2. Included are her own Starbucks cup, credit card and country club membership. Also available for this set are Shallow Ken and Private School Skipper. You won't be able to afford any of them.

"Maynardville Barbie"
This pale model comes dressed in her own Wrangler jeans two sizes too small, a NASCAR t-shirt and tweety bird tattoo on her shoulder. She has a six-pack of Bud light and a Hank Williams Jr. CD set. She can spit over 5 feet and kick mullet-haired Ken's butt when she is drunk. Purchase her pickup truck separately and get a confederate flag bumper sticker absolutely free.

"Halls Barbie"
This tobacco-chewing, brassy-haired Barbie has a pair of her own high-heeled sandals with one broken heel from the time she chased beer-gutted Ken out of Farragut Barbie's house. Her ensemble includes low-rise acid-washed jeans, fake fingernails, and a see-through halter-top. Also available with a mobile home.

"Old City Barbie"
This doll is made of actual tofu. She has long straight brown hair, arch-less feet, hairy armpits, no makeup and Birkenstocks with white socks. She prefers that you call her Willow. She does not want or need a Ken doll, but if you purchase two Old City Barbies and the optional Subaru wagon, you get a rainbow flag bumper sticker for free.

"Knoxville Barbie"
This Barbie now comes with a stroller and infant doll. Optional accessories include a GED and bus pass. Gangsta Ken and his 1979 Caddy were available, but are now very difficult to find since the addition of the infant.

"Carousel Barbie/Ken"
This versatile doll can be easily converted from Barbie to Ken by simply adding or subtracting the multiple snap-on parts

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I MISS the fall!

At last a new media report...just do the profile thing and click over!

Lots of dieting going on at the bunker, so naturally I found a great sounding CAKE to make! Knock it out and share a slice with me.


3 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1 1/2 cups mayonnaise
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 cups water
2 1/4 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350 degrees (175 degrees C). Lightly grease
two 9 inch layer pans.

Mix flour, baking soda, baking powder, cocoa, and sugar
into a large bowl. Stir in mayonnaise. Gradually add water
and vanilla and blend until smooth. Pour batter into pre-
pared pans.

Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 30 minutes. Cool,
remove from pans, and frost with your favorite chocolate

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Just got this and because we are blessed to live SOUTH of Ohio we don't have to deal with snow. From this note it sounds like the folks in DENVER did a great job!

Weather Bulletin - Denver

Up here, in the "Mile-Hi City", we just recovered from a
Historic event--- may I even say a "Weather Event" of
"Biblical Proportions" --- with a historic blizzard of up
to 44" inches of snow and winds to 90 MPH that broke trees
in half, knocked down utility poles, stranded hundreds of
motorists in lethal snow banks, closed ALL roads, isolated
scores of communities and cut power to 10's of thousands.


George Bush did not come.

FEMA did nothing.

No one howled for the government.

No one blamed the government.

No one even uttered an expletive on TV.

Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton did not visit.

Our Mayor did not blame Bush or anyone else.

Our Governor did not blame Bush or anyone else, either.

CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX or NBC did not visit - or report on this
category 5 snowstorm. Nobody demanded $2,000 debit

No one asked for a FEMA Trailer House.

No one looted.

Nobody - I mean Nobody demanded the government do something.

Nobody expected the government to do anything, either.

No Larry King, No Bill O'Rielly, No Oprah, No Chris Mathews
and No Geraldo Rivera.

No Shaun Penn, No Barbara Striesand, No Hollywood types to
be found.

Nope, we just melted the snow for water.

Sent out caravans of SUV's to pluck people out of snow
engulfed cars.

The truck drivers pulled people out of snow banks and didn't
ask for a penny.

Local restaurants made food and the police and fire
departments delivered it to the snowbound families.

Families took in the stranded people - total strangers.

We fired up wood stoves, broke out coal oil lanterns or
Coleman lanterns.

We put on extra layers of clothes because up here it is
"Work or Die".

We did not wait for some affirmative action government to
get us out of a mess created by being immobilized by a
welfare program that trades votes for 'sittin at home'

Even though a Category "5" blizzard of this scale has never
fallen this early, we know it can happen and how to deal
with it ourselves.

"In my many travels, I have noticed that once one gets
north of about 48 degrees North Latitude, 90% of the
world's social problems evaporate."

It does seem that way, at least to me.

I hope this gets passed on.

Maybe SOME people will get the message. The world
does Not
owe you a living.