The golden retriever (Denver) who allows us to live with him is having a relaxed weekend in the fall sunshine. He made up his mind to vote for Bob Corker two seconds after reading Harold's voting record.
His close friend,Ms. Molly is still wondering. She likes Corker but is a big TV News dog. She told Denver she can't remember one good thing the network news humans have said about Bob?
Denver explained to her yesterday a bunch of humans who analyze network and even cable news coverage said over 80% of what she is watching is slanted in favor of the democrats! When she got the news she just gave Denver a questioning look, (captured here) followed by a long drink and then requested a Bob Corker sign for her food dish.
Have a great weekend
Hell, if YOU can't tell: DENVER is STONED and Molly is using the fact that she's about to go into heat to convince Denver to do the right thing and vote for FORD. Of course, Denver being stoned he'll probably vote against his own best interests and fall for Corker's campaign ads.
And, the dog with the expensive collar will probably make it to Molly first. Poor Denver!
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