NICE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tennessee sent a message yesterday to the country that no amount of outside money or media influence can change the facts. Ford Jr. was one scary kid! This morning our state is being slammed and mocked by the left coast liberal movement and we have to look at it as a giant compliment.
Locally Knoxville voters laughed at the joke of the smear campaign mounted against Stacy Campfield and awarded him a healthy 18-point win in the 18th district. Couple his win with the same sex marriage amendment and you can see the direction of both East Tennessee and the entire state.
The national media is dancing with the Democrats, but in the coming months if these newly elected folks don't produce 08 could be a very big win for the Republican party. Don't expect the media to report their failures which are bound to be many, or comment on their attempts to raise taxes. Just won't happen. They are all joined at the hip. The upside is anyone can track how these newbies vote, keep an eye on them!
Congratulation to those who voted for Corker and for those who went with Ford, bless your heart everyone makes at least one MISTAKE in their life!
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