The media is in a last ditch stand to twist the election
VOTE VOTE…and vote!
This morning a cautious national TV news consortium (NBC, CBS, and ABC) were all working over time to twist and fashion the election to their satisfaction.
Tim Russertt (NBC's favorite democratic shill) was saying to watch three states early and if they (they meaning the Democratic Party) were winning then the thing was over and it would be a blood bath for the Republicans. It was obvious his strings were being pulled by the corner offices to try and influence the areas of the country were the voting was still underway. Touting an early (before the majority of the polls close) win for the liberals (Democrats) in their (NBC) mind would cause the Republican voters who had not cast their ballots to stay home.
First listen to the networks, use your head and then go vote. The old style of actually reporting elections and for that matter news is something they laugh about as they pass each other in the halls. Today it is all about creating news and pushing the Democrats while hiding under a thin vale of questionable facts and hack reporting. Locally (Tennessee) NBC was working so hard for Jr.
This morning they started implying a vote CORKER was a racists shot!
Stay focused and vote. If we keep our eye on our state then we will be just fine.
Tonight after you vote try Pay For View, Turner Classic Movies, TV Land, or even The Travel Channel. If you want local results dash over to FOX 43 at 10 P.M. or WBIR.com. Our local stations will be cutting in or running crawls but the giant problem is you run the chance of having to see the networks to get the information. Considering they are dragging out everyone from Tom Brokoff to Dan Rather tonight I would much rather hang until 10 and get the results on FOX 43 and bypass their agenda driven coverage.
Here is one other reason to ditch the networks for coverage.
This year the networks say they are guarding their exit poll results as if they were crown jewels. The results will be delivered to a "quarantine room," access to which will be granted to only two staffers from each network and wire service, who must surrender all cell phones, BlackBerrys and similar devices before entering the room. Only at 5 p.m. will the occupants of the quarantine room be allowed to reveal the exit polls to their bosses. The networks claim to have completely revamped their exit-poll methodology, which in 2004 had surveys in which the results, collected mostly by female graduate students, consistently favored Democrats. The changes will mean the networks will be slower to call the winners. That and the difficulty of adjusting for the large number of absentee ballots could mean a longer night than usual.
Consider turning down the TV to a whisper and either watching the crawl of actual returns on the bottom of the screen or monitoring them on the Internet at sites like RealClearPolitics.com
After you vote today PLEASE drop a note in the comment box and tell us about your experience. How was the crowd, was anyone talking issues, did you have problems with the machines, and be sure to tell us the location.
We have seen the networks fight to move the needle off the economy, LOWER taxes, unemployment, the stock market, and a host of positive things about our country to the single issue of Iraq for this election. The reason was simple, the war is the only issue the Democrats have to stand on, and the sad thing is they have yet to present a plan for either a victory or a resolution to the situation. We can win Tennessee if we vote, that simple, so don't let the weather bother you and DO NOT let what you are seeing on the national TV networks influence you. Vote for Corker, send a message that we believe in what is right for our state and rest with a smile tonight knowing that across the board viewers are abandoning network TV news to the extend NBC announced two weeks ago thousands are about to be fired in attempt to try and recoup their steady drop in revenue!
On one hand you caution me as a conservative not to watch NBC because it, ABC and CBS are all run by the devil incarnate. Then you tell me to watch a newscast produced by ABC affiliate WATE, Fox 43 News at 10:00. First, their local news director, recently moved here from Washington D.C., has already publicly (in his newsroom) stated he is for Harold Ford. Then, you say go to WBIR.com. Wasn't that the station that allowed hired Democrat gun Don Bosch to assail Corker after a debate and failed to put anyone forth to defend Corker? How about I line up three TV's side-by-side tonight and watch all three to see which local station is really fair and balanced in their local coverage? I'll report back to ya!
Nah, listen to WNOX instead. At least you can expect a few smart ass comments from me and Foulk.
Lord, fire them all up just take what you are hearing from the TV Neworks grain of whatever!
WVLT is wonderful, WBIR is outstanding, WATE is well....like I said, WVLT is wonderful WBIR is outstanding...
Dems will go to court this afternoon to ask for polls to stay open
Staff Writer
Lawyers with the Tennessee Democratic Party will file suit early this afternoon asking that voting hours be extended due to reports of infrastructure problems, a party spokesman said.
The party has received reports that some precincts lacked enough voting machines, voting machines that are not working, long lines and delays in the openings of polling paces, said the spokesman Mark Brown.
HEAVVY voting today!
Most are republican voters!
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