LOOK where the FORD voters live!
The Knoxville paper (knoxnews.com) had a front page map highlighting the areas were both the Ford and Corker voters live. If you look at it then it is obvious the Ford people are clustered in a single area while the Corker voters spread out over the entire county. When you really look at the map you can see in places the separation is by single streets, one side of Kingston Pike went Ford while the other went Corker. It really is a fascinating look at where the Republican's are living and also the Democrats. Oh, just for fun which area (the Ford voter side or the Republican side) of the map would you say pays the most taxes, has the lowest rate of unemployment and higher income? Any and all thoughts are appreciated; just toss them into the comment column.
I took my own advice on election night and avoided the network coverage until 10 then I dashed over to the TWO local stations with early news to find out where we stood.
Nationally, the ratings are in and NBC took it on the chin to ABC!
ABC 9,670,000
NBC 7,000,000
CBS 6,310,000
FOXNEWS 3,050,000
CNN 2,963,000
MSNBC 1,926,000
In the cable race I was surprised to see CNN just under FOX. If you follow cable numbers FOX is wiping the floor with CNN, but not on Tuesday evening. Another eye opener was MSNBC, the lost dog of cable news, bumping a bit on the back side of CNN.
I have yet to see any local over nights, but an ABC news win nationally is about as shocking as Vandy beating Georgia…no hold on make that Kentucky beating Georgia….nope that won't work….look I am out of analogies you pick one.
Rummy took it in the shorts yesterday and reports are the Democrats are after a few more. Personally I will miss his work with the press, that short dude had no problem going after them and it was great fun to watch.
The guy that is taking his office is a buddy of GW's dad, former CIA and a member of the Baker team that will be reporting on the war in the near future. New eyes on the sandbox are welcome by GW and if this guy can kick start the Iraq government into securing their cities and protecting their people we just might be able to head back home.
Watch the Democrats snipe at any and all new plans to resolve the situation, it is just their style, and naturally their media will amplify and applaud them in their efforts.
I got an e mail with a break out of the new speaker's history and although these are not my words, there is some truth in the post. Check it out.
Profile on the new speaker of the house of the Democratic Party (socialist) (D) Nancy Pelosi
2006 Representative Pelosi supported the interests of the Planned Parenthood 100 percent in 2006.
2005 Representative Pelosi supported the interests of the American Immigration Lawyers Association 100 percent in 20052005
Representative Pelosi supported the interests of the National Committee for an Effective Congress 100 percent in 2005.
2006 Based on lifetime voting records on gun issues and the results of a questionnaire sent to all Congressional candidates in 2006, the National Rifle Association assigned Representative Pelosi a grade of F (with grades ranging from a high of A+ to a low of F).
2003-2004 Representative Pelosi supported the interests of the American Security Council 11 percent in 2003-2004.
2005-2006 Representative Pelosi supported the interests of the American Civil Liberties Union 100 percent in 2005-2006.
2005 Representative Pelosi supported the interests of the Family Research Council 0 percent in 2005
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