NBC tried to out SHOUT the Republicans on Meet the Press Sunday but it didn't WORK!
Monday afternoon
Yesterday one of the most LEFT SIDED editions of Meet The Press tried continuously to bait, ambush and when that didn't work out SHOUT the Republican panel members, but never got the job done. The show was another example of the desperate attempt by the network (along with CNN, CBS and ABC) to create a last minute push for their favorite party. Thank goodness Elisabeth Dole stood her ground and countered their attacks and miss quotes with facts and grace. The giant up side is there will be no more Sundays before the election, TOMORROW is the day we answer the liberals at the polls!
This morning even CNN (Clinton News Network) was admitting what they described as a slight turn in favor of the republicans. If you are a numbers person dash over http://www.realclearpolitics.com/latestpolls/ Below is a quote from the site.
"We moved this race to Leans Republican yesterday and the recent polling data confirms Corker has now established a material lead heading into the election Tuesday. Over 50% in the RCP Average -- in a Republican leaning state -- means he is looking pretty good."
The Pew Research Center is finding a shift also.
"A nationwide Pew Research Center survey finds voting intentions shifting in the direction of Republican congressional candidates in the final days of the 2006 midterm campaign. The new survey finds a growing percentage of likely voters saying they will vote for GOP candidates. However, the Democrats still hold a 48% to 40% lead among registered voters, and a modest lead of 47%-43% among likely voters."
No matter how good things are looking for Bob we have to get everyone to the polls tomorrow! Remember the FIRST reports of possible machine tampering (smart cards lost or stolen) came in last week from where else?? MEMPHIS! Way too much OUTSIDE money has been spent to elect Jr. for any of us to relax; those northern liberals want this state in their pocket and will do anything to get it.
Please join us at the polls tomorrow and vote for BOB!
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